Organic CBd hemp production consulting


 We’re not the only ones passionate about this plant, for its medicinal and industrial applications as well as its potential as a new cash crop for our region’s farmers. Successful farmers mean successful rural communities, so we want to be team players that help make this work for everyone. Let us share the knowledge that our team and network has gained from the west coast medicinal cannabis industry.  

Drop us a line if you have general questions, but we’re also offering consulting to give more in-depth help while valuing our time and knowledge.

Whether you’re an extractor that needs more consistent yield and quality from your growers, or whether you’re a grower yourself that is new to hemp and cannabis production, we want to help.


We can offer:

  1. Boutique flower or extraction biomass production consulting

    • Customized production protocols

    • On site, on phone, and via email responsive consulting.

  2. Fertility program (completely certifiable as organic!)

  3. Prescreen field tests - check in on your CBD levels and compliance

  4. Variety trial and breeding population management

Advantages to Utilizing our Consulting:

  1. Help applying current best practices and refining them to your own context.

  2. Mitigate production risks.

  3. On site, on phone, and via email responsive consulting.

  4. We help think through the whole production cycle, from seed to sale - you can’t prepare for the challenges you don’t know about.

  5. Expertise in certified organic practices, with an understanding of the Wisconsin agricultural landscape and close tabs on the pulse of the hemp industry and changes in regulation.

  6. More flexible than hiring a single full time botanist. By contracting with Circadian Organics you access the knowledge and experience of our network while still getting an accountable, motivated, and responsive individual to work with.

Many producers saw Septoria Leaf Spot in their crops during last year’s rainy growing season.